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ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by Ghostdancer
5/15/2003  6:30:00 AM
Ecs - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style

I've heard that ECS has both a ballroom and a non-ballroom style. What is the difference?

"Dancing is a contact sport; football is a hitting sport" - Vince Lombardi
re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by twnkltoz
5/15/2003  4:37:00 PM
It's a styling thing. Ballroom dancers tend to be more upright in their posture and a little more...I don't know...ballroomy in their arm & body styling. "Street" swing dancers have a more forward posture, a bit relaxed and, dare I say, sloppier in their technique and styling.
re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by TheDitz
5/15/2003  6:26:00 PM
I've heard of it in Salsa. One of the first (maybe only ) times I went to a Salsa club. One of my lesson partners asked if I did ballroom. He could tell by the frame.

But it also could be the way to distinguish between triple and single time swing. I think I hear triple-time referred to once as the "Ballroom" swing.


re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by KevinL
5/16/2003  5:32:00 AM
Originally posted by twnkltoz:
It's a styling thing. Ballroom dancers tend to be more upright in their posture and a little more...I don't know...ballroomy in their arm & body styling. "Street" swing dancers have a more forward posture, a bit relaxed and, dare I say, sloppier in their technique and styling.

I'm with twnkltoz on this one. Ballroom ECS looks ballroomy: precise and exacting. The non-ballroom ECS is very relaxed and free flowing, sometimes moving back and forth between single time and triple time.
In my experience, anyway, 8^)
re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by ChampionDancesport
5/15/2003  11:34:00 AM

That's a new one on me...I've never heard it put that way. Some people consider West Coast swing to be "non-ballroom" ECS...but that's the only thing I can think of.

Let us know
Re: re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by Stephen
1/3/2005  1:50:00 AM
East Coast Swing (Triple-step), like Salsa, was never meant to be ballroomish. Swing is a down & dirty, very loose, anything goes social dance. Yes, some frame & a lot of tone are required. However, the body is never upright & the knees are always bent. If you don't, you will be hurting for quite a while. In addition, ballroom swing "just ain't right!". :)
Re: re: ECS - Ballroom vs. Non-Ballroom Style
Posted by owendancer
1/3/2005  7:45:00 AM
Stephen: Yee Haa.. You are right on! The best thing you could've said, you said. "Some frame and a lot of tone are required" Most ballroom teachers are looking out for their pocketbook rather than the benefit of the student and they forget to preach no, hammer to their students the benefits of frame and tone. Owen

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